LAVENDER: This delightful perennial herb provides lovely scent for cooking, sachets, beauty products and more. It's very beautiful dried in bunches.
BASIL: by far our most popular herb. It's fresh taste cannot be beat in recipes such as pesto, pasta, caprese salads and more.
CILANTRO: Very popular for Mexican recipes. It seems people either love or hate this flavorful herb.
MINT: One of our most popular herbs! It's great in iced teas and other drinks. It makes a fabulous garnish on desserts, as well.
Check out our Herb-tacular board on Pinterest for some awesome herb tips and ideas.
Very popular for Mexican recipes. It seems people love or hate this flavorful herb!
Basil is by far our most popular herb. It's fresh taste cannot be beat in recipes such as pesto, pasta, caprese salads and more.
We love herbs!
Throughout the year, we have a steady stream of potted herbs available.
From old favorites like Basil, Parsley, or Oregano to new tastebud pleasers like Chocolate Mint or Pineapple Sage, we've got something to make your meals fresh and delicious!